Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Monday, November 2, 2009

Time to Call It a Night

I've joined NaBloPoMo: National Blog Posting Monthly. You are supposed to post a blog everyday during the month of November. Hopefully I don't get too boring! Click on my link on the left to check it out. It's a neat way to meet fellow bloggers.

So I have to dish again. Another softball game with The Cousin. If she only knew. She never stops complaining during the whole game! It literally hurts me. I admit, I am totally jealous of her and what she has has, and she doesn't appreciate it at all. She does nothing but criticize her husband, complain about how much work her 3 year old little girl is and how hard the pregnancy is on her. I just want to cry! I don't have this reaction around other friends and family with babies. I just wish she knew what she had.

Very long Monday I'm ready for sleep! Hopefully some good news soon. Last night was my last dose of Provera. AF, where are you???


Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry about DW's cousin. You're right--she doesn't know how good she has it. A lot of people don't. It's sad that we would give up everything to have just one child, and so many people take that gift for granted.

(((hugs))) Hopefully you had a good night's sleep and AF arrives soon.

Lori said...

That just makes me want to shake her and tell her how blessed she is! Hopefully someday she will look back and regret her negative attitude. I hate it when women run down there hubby's, it makes me try so much harder to treat mine right. Especially after watching Jon & Kate Plus 8 :(

Stephanie said...

Do we have the same cousin? Mine has two beautiful boys and is PG with her third. She complains all the time and it kills me!
Thanks for the comments and I am glad you chose to follow! I will keep you in my prayers!