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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

A Question For You

Good news! Suzanne's baby is getting better! Your prayers worked! She is still not totally out of the woods, but it is definitely looking better.

So I've been thinking about something and wanted to get all of my blogger friends opinion. I read some one's blog a few weeks ago, and she totally blasted all bloggers that choose to blog anonymously. Up until then, I had only witnessed support and comfort for fellow infertiles. I was pretty surprised and kind of hurt. My decision to blog anonymously was not based on a need to hide, but an agreement DW and I had. I first got the idea to start a blog from reading a few on I was inspired by some of the woman there and decided I needed an outlet for my thoughts. When I brought the idea to DW, my original thought was that both of us would post here. DW loved the idea, but he asked that it remain anonymous and that no one IRL would know about it. He is a very private person. He never did post here, but he reads it religiously! What are your feelings on this? If you also decided to remain anonymous, what was your reason? If you share your identity, do you find it insulting that I choose not to? I hope not. I would never want to hurt anyone here. I have never found a place like this where woman are so supportive, loving and encouraging. It's a whole different world here, and I love it! I don't think DW and I could get through all this without the support.


Charlotte said...

I think it is completely your choice to remain anonymous. It doesn't take away from anything you say, feelings you're sharing or experiences you're having! In fact, you're probably smarter than most of us for keeping your family anonymous, and therefore, safe. I think this other blogger has some issues? I'd be interested in hearing her side.

It's my goal to read one new blog a day and you're today's! Congrats!

melissa said...

Wow... I think anonymity can be great, especially if it allows you the freedom to discuss (post) things you otherwise wouldn't. The only time I'm uncomfortable with anonymity is in the form of mean anonymous comments. But that's not really what we're talking about here! Nope, anonymous blogging doesn't bother me in the slightest.

Lori said...

I agree with you 100%. No body I know had any idea that I have a blog. If people would search hard enough they might find my blog. But I want it to remain a secret from all the people I know IRL! People IRL just do not understand the things that us infertile women go through, I do not even want to give them a chance because it is to risky for me. I would not feel as comfortable to blog about all of our infertility issues when I know that all the people I know are looking in, and most of the people I know would probably just read it without letting me know just to be nosy. And that is not something I want at a time in my life when I have so many struggles and so many difficult feelings. If we ever concieve we will probably tell our family about this blog. But until then I think we have every right to keep this a secret. Thats what having your own blog is all about, it's YOUR'S no one else's!!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't think there is anything wrong with blogging anonymously. It’s the blogger’s choice. When I started blogging, I did it anonymously—mostly because I didn’t want people to find me who knew me in real life. Now, I wish I had kept some of the details of my life hidden if nothing else but for safety reasons. There are a lot of weird people out there, and you never know who is reading about your life. You need to do what you feel most comfortable with. If that means blogging anonymously, I don’t see how that would make you less qualified to blog. Besides, a blog is really meant to be a personal outpouring of words and emotions. It’s meant for you, not for anyone else. And sometimes, the best way to let out those emotions is when no one knows your real identity. It makes you more vulnerable and open, in a way.

Marybeth said...

Since my blog is primarily about TTC I keep it pretty quiet IRL even though I do have a picture on my profile and use my real name. I used to have a link to my facebook page, but I removed it because I was joining ICLW, and I knew a lot more people would be viewing my blog. It's not that I thought any of those people were bad in any way it's just that I didn't want to share that part of my life. I understand the need to stay anonymous and I don't hold it against anyone who does. It's hard putting all your feelings & experiences out there not knowing who will read them & how they will respond. I wouldn't let it bother you. I still enjoy reading your blog even if I don't "know" you.

Deanna: Infertile Momma said...

I blog semi-anonymously bc I want to keep the people I know in my real life, out of my TTC life. I use my name and a lot of the details about our life but I try to keep it so people can't search to find a blog I might have. Only my DH and a friend know about my blog but the friend doesn't know where to find it. I don't feel like I could be as honest if I knew people in my real life we're reading it. If anything, being open on my blog would make it less real.

Stephanie said...

Like some before me, I blog semi-privately. I have an extensive online community separate from the IF community that are aware of my blog, and I do post my picture and first name. But aside from my DH I do not share my blog with my family and IRL friends.
I share very private thoughts and health information on that blog. I don't necessarily want people that I see every day knowing these intricate details of my life and my IF struggle.
I respect your reasons for staying anonymous and I understand why you would feel the need.

And yes, if only we had the same cousin, maybe we could tag team shaking her!! :)