Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Friday, November 27, 2009


I went to a recital today for my two youngest brothers. In the same room, same teacher, same songs when I was a student. My husband and I are on the board of the music school so the teacher made an announcement about our pregnancy (still really weird and uncomfortable to get all this attention). Right there it hit me. I am all grown up! Here I am pregnant sitting next to my husband in the same room I sat in as a teenager wondering when my life was really going to start. Here I am. I'm all grown up. Someday I will sit in this same room listening to my little girl or boy squeak their way through a Mozart concerto and I will think about this flashback and I will smile....because I made it.

1 comment:

AL said...

How awesome to think you'll be watching your little one performing in a few years! Very cool :-)