Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Sunday, November 15, 2009

What Happened to the Day of Rest?

Today was filled with the chores for the week. How can two people create so much laundry? I do love the way the house feels after everything is neat and tidy. In case you can't tell, I'm slightly OCD. I don't really feel good unless everything is clean. I got DW Rock Band for his birthday and gave it to him early (his birthday is really tomorrow) so that he could have some fun with it this weekend. I found out why I don't play drums! :O) It was a lot of fun though!

Another blood test tomorrow. Not as many cramps today and not much back pain. Of course that makes me worry. I'm trying not to think crazy things. I'm not sure how long the back pain is supposed to last. I was on my feet all day and it hurts worse when I'm sitting, so maybe that's the reason. I think I will feel a little better if the numbers are good. I ran out of HPT's so I haven't taken one since Friday. Guess I had to stop sometime!


Anonymous said...

Everything's crossed for an awesome blood test today. Let us know when you hear something!

Charlotte said...

You and your PG tests... your eggo is preggo baby! It ain't gonna say any different! ;)

Mommy In Waiting said...

Thanks for the support Katie! I need it!

Charlotte, you crack me up! Thank you!