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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

In Due Time

Today I was reminded of what a wonderful husband I have.
D.W. and I have been looking for a house for the last 4 or 5 months. It's been so exhausting! The houses are either not what we are looking for, they won't take our offer, or a million other reasons why it's not the right one. We went into this with the illusion that since the market is overflowing with short sales and foreclosures, we should be able to find a place right away. Wrong! Just like everything else in our lives, its been a major struggle.
Friends of ours found out their house has Chinese drywall. The builder is going to completely rip out and replace almost everything on the inside. They've decided that they are going to sell the house after it's done, and asked us if we would interested in making an offer. It's exactly the model we were looking at and it's on a beautiful lot with a man made lake. We are just praying that it works out and the bank excepts our offer. DW was talking to our realtor and sent me an e-mail after. Here is an excerpt of what he said: "I was sitting here thinking. I truly believed that things would work out for the best for us, but I let myself get so frustrated by the process that I didn’t even want to look anymore….and it’s not that I lost faith, but I just started questioning “why” about everything instead of letting things run their course… It makes me think that everything for us isn’t “difficult” like we’ve always said, but maybe it’s God saying 'You think this is good. Just wait to see what I have in store for you.'"
I almost started crying. Most days I don't feel like this, so I needed the reminder.

Keep Suzanne's baby in your prayers. The baby is still having issues and poor Suzanne is emotionally and physically exhausted.

**Update: Oh my goodness! I am so embarrassed! Note to self: Never post a blog when you are falling asleep on the couch! Sorry for all the grammatical errors! **


Marybeth said...

this blog really made me smile. I too believe what DW said, and I keep reminding myself that the best is yet to come. So glad you have each other, and I hope the deal with the house goes through without a hitch!

AL said...

wise words from your hubby, but it's so hard to focus on that side of things when everything seems to fall apart around you.

I hope this house works out for u guys!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful note from your husband. I really hope you guys get this house!

Deanna: Infertile Momma said...

Wow!!! That is so true! You've got yourself a good one ;-)

Lori said...

That makes me think about things a little differently than before! WOW. In the last day I have realized that the Lord DOES want the best for me, and that has been such a comfort. I know that HE wants the best for you as well! Hoping for you deal to go through!! How exciting!