Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Mommie: The Most Important Job You Will Ever Have!

Why do I feel like I am surrounded by very ignorant people?

I work for a medical software company. We have not really been affected by the bad economy, so if you are a software developer working for us, you are getting paid very well. I know this because I process payroll. Not so for those of us in the admin department, but it could be worse. This is difficult information to know sometimes because you see how many more hours and effort you put into your job to get paid so much less than someone who doesn't work half as hard, but has a title. Anyway, one of our developers will be on medical leave for two weeks for some kind of operation. I am friends with the lady from HR so I get to hear a lot of good dirt. Apparently there was a conversation going on about the guy getting surgery. If you have ever been around developers, you know that they are some weird creatures! This particular guy is very uptight and cranky. Someone made the comment that they weren't surprised he needed surgery because of how much stress he always has. His friend piped up and said he is so stressed because his wife doesn't want to work and he has to be the sole bread winner. When this conversation was relayed back to me, it made me very angry! I KNOW he makes enough to support a family! I have met his wife and kids, and I think she is a SAINT to put up with him! He supposedly has some kind of personality disorder that makes him so rude. The children look very well taken care of and have very cute personalities. Since when is it a bad thing that a woman wants to be a wife and mom? I usually keep my mouth shut, but this time I decided to defend her. I pointed out that he makes a comfortable amount, and why shouldn't she be able to take care of the children. My friend said that one of the children had some medical problems, so that was another expense. My answer was since the company provides medical insurance free of cost for the employee and at a discounted rate for the rest of the family, it couldn't be that bad. Besides, that further enforced my point! Who better to take care of a sick child than his mother?? Why do I feel like a voice in the dark? Why do woman have to defend the choice to take care of their children!? I know when we finally have a baby, there are going to be all kinds of people talking about me behind my back, including people I am close to right now. I don't care. I KNOW it's the best choice for my child, and I wouldn't have it ANY other way!

1 comment:

Deanna: Infertile Momma said...

OMG! I know exactly what you're talking about. I am a timekeeper where I work and I have the 'privilege" of seeing what other people make. I get so frustrated when I hear them complain! Do they want to see MY paycheck?!?!
Screw the people that want to talk smack about all the stay at home moms! It's not for everyone but I know its for me (one day)...and you too! Good for you!!!