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Thursday, September 3, 2009

Judgement and Misconception

"As an uber-fertile woman, do you have any advice for women trying to conceive?"

Michelle Duggar:"God is the one who's the giver of life and opens and closes the womb. I would cry out to him initially and ask him if he would be willing. We only think we have control but in reality he is the giver of life."

This quote enraged me! Are you trying to tell me that every woman struggling to have a baby has had her womb "closed" by God? Do you think I have not been crying my heart out to God everyday to give us life? I know there are things that we don't understand, but this is just cruel.

We had a guest speaker come to our church this Sunday. The pastor and lead singer from Hillsong gave a message about the man, blind from birth, who came to Jesus for healing. The disciples ask him who had sinned, the parents or the man, to cause his blindness (First, what a stupid question! How could the man have sinned before he was born??) Here is Jesus' answer: "Neither this man nor his parents sinned," said Jesus, "but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life." John 9:3-4

Hmmmm. So lets see, if a blind man is not blind because of sin, than why would an infertile woman be that way because of sin? This whole theory makes no sense to me! There are plenty of terrible women out there that have babies! I also did my own research (online bibles with word search are amazing!) and can't find any verse when God said he closed a womb, only verses where he specifically said he OPENED a womb. I only see man's speculation of such an event happening. This is what drives me crazy about some Christians!! They come to their own conclusions and blindly quote what they have heard before!! If you can find something please feel free to let me know.

Now let me clarify two things:
1.) I think the Duggars are amazing. While I don't agree with every aspect of their lives (And who cares if I do! None of my business!) I think it's awesome that they have such a large family that they solely care for without debt or government handouts.
2.) I do believe that God is ultimately the giver of life. I believe in life at conception. I do not believe that he punishes us by making us barren.

Sorry, didn't mean to get all preachy here. Just had some things I needed to get off my chest. Guess I am PMSing. Aunt Flow finally decided to show up. After 49 days!!!!!

Do I bring to the moment of birth and not give delivery?" says the LORD. "Do I close up the womb when I bring to delivery?" says your God. - Isaiah 66:9


Deanna: Infertile Momma said...

I couldn't have said it better myself!

Bummer about AF. Hang in there!

Charlotte said...

amen to that! I will give Mrs. Duggar the benefit of the doubt that her comment was taken out of context, but still! Incredible insulting to all the women out there who are striving after God and seeking to honor Him! Sometimes I feel that people who have an easy time getting pregnancy take it for granted and can be a bit smug.