Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Thursday, August 27, 2009

What to Expect When You're NOT Expecting

Hopefully DW (from now on, the Hubby will be referred to as DW for Daddy in Waiting. Sorry Love, I did give you the chance to pick but you never gave me anything, so you are stuck!) will not read this before I get to talk to him, but I need to air out my thoughts, and I REALLY want to talk to my Mom but I can't until I get the go ahead from DW. We agreed in the beginning not to tell anyone, but I broke down one really bad day and told my sister. I PROMISED I would not tell anyone else, but as I mentioned before we are talking about telling family so they will just stop asking! I don't really want the in-laws to know, but I need to talk to my mom. She had five children, so I think she might know a little something about all this! Anyway, I can't talk to him yet because when I called him, he was on his way into the office and he had two clients waiting for him. *Sigh*

I am embarrassed to admit it took FOUR pregnancy tests to convince me that I am REALLY not pregnant. Did you know you can get told three different ways that no, you are NOT pregnant!!
So after I got the "No", "Not Pregnant" & the two straight lines, I decided that it is time to make the appointment. There happens to be an office right next door to where we live and I have heard very good things about them, so that's who I called. The next appointment is not until September 29th!!! The only time available is 10:20. Can they make it anymore inconvenient? I'm thinking of just taking the day off. Maybe a massage after?

Here is the worst part: It's a male doctor. DW is not going to be happy about this. At this point, I don't care. If he can get me what I want, he can be an ape!!

1 comment:

Deanna: Infertile Momma said...

The more I'm reading your blog, the more I realize we have in common. LOL! My in-laws also have no clue we're TTC...I prefer it that way. My family knows though.
My RE is a male and the hubs was not happy about that at all. I think its pretty amusing though.