Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Smart Cookie

Since before we were pregnant, DW and I have had a hard time agreeing on sleeping arrangements for the baby. Since I plan on nursing, I wanted the baby to sleep with us for the first few months at least. It just makes it easier for those 2 AM feedings! He was strongly apposed to it because he worried about rolling over on the baby. I figured we were going to have to compromise by having the baby in the room, and just bringing it to the bed for feedings. I was thinking about it the other day and remembered seeing something a long time ago that attached to your bed. I did an Internet search (what did we do before Google?) and I have found it! The perfect solution!!

This little gem goes right next to the bed and even has leg extensions to fit any height! The baby is right there next to you and you don't even have to get up to nurse! There are different colors and designs to choose from. I am so excited! I want to go shopping! Anybody want to come?


agable said...

Hey there! That's so funny that you found me! Yeah, my husband and I tried for about two years before we conceived our little miracle baby. We are anxiously awaiting his arrival. Best wishes to your family!

Kari said...

That is exactly what I have. My new big fear/paranoia, because of course I can't just accept anything for what it is and that it's safe, is I always wake up with all the covers pulled to my side of the bed and draped clear to the floor. I'm afraid they will end up in the co-sleeper on top of the baby. A friend of mine used this co-sleeper with her little one until 6 months and LOVED it, and never had her covers end up on top of the baby. Yet somehow I'm still freaking out... I plan to test run it for a few weeks(in the next month or so) and see if we ever end up with covers inside it.

Anonymous said...

This would work for us as well except our cat would probably shove baby over and snuggle in next to him/her for the night. She already curls up on our bed with us and purrs away all night. She's a snuggle monster.

Mommy In Waiting said...

Kari: You have to let me know how it works out! Also, the main complaint I keep hearing is that it's hard toput together. really though, what baby product isn't?

Crossed Fingers: OMG you are right! I have two cats that sleep at the foot of the bed and your right. It's going to be hard to train them not to sleep in the baby bed. Funny thing is, I saw on the companie's website that they are making one for pets! How crazy is that!

Kelli said...

We have had this same dilemma...what a great idea! Oh, and I totally want to know about the bedcovers getting inside there, too.

Anonymous said...

I'm so getting one of those! I think it will be great to turn over and grab a baby to feed. I am worried about my cats though.

Anonymous said...

Hey! I wanted to let you know there is an award waiting for you at my blog!

Kari said...

You have an award over at my blog!! :)

Kari said...

Oh and it's not hard to put together at all. I am going to Vegas this weekend but I plan to start my Arm's Reach bed covers experiment when we get back so I'll update you soon!! :)